American Bangla Newspaper

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

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Political journalism aims to provide voters with the information to formulate their own opinion and participate in community, local or national matters that will affect them. ... Digital media use has increased and it provides instant coverage of campaign, politics, event news and an accessible platform for the candidate.

American Bangla Newspaper

Economic issues like poverty, unemployment, development are main issues that influence politics. Garibi Hatao (eradicate poverty) has been a slogan of the Indian National Congress for a long time. The well known Bharatiya Janata Party encourages a free market economy.

Anthropologists generally recognize four kinds of political systems, two of which are uncentralized and two of which are centralized.

Uncentralized systems. Band society. ...

Centralized governments. Chiefdom. ...

Supranational political systems. ...

Empires. ...


Politics (from Greek: Πολιτικά, politiká, 'affairs of the cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. ... Politics is a multifaceted word.

A distinct but related meaning of the term "social issue" (used particularly in the United States) refers to topics of national political interest, over which the public is deeply divided and which are the subject of intense partisan advocacy, debate, and voting. American Bangla Newspaper

The political editor of a newspaper or broadcaster is the senior political reporter who covers politics and related matters for the newspaper or station. He or she may have a large team of political correspondents working under him or her.

American Bangla Newspaper

You become a Member of Parliament (MP) by being elected in a by-election or general election. You can stand for election as a member of a political party or as an independent candidate. Each political party has its own selection procedure.

Being apolitical can also refer to situations in which people take an unbiased position in regard to political matters. The Collins English Dictionary defines apolitical as "politically neutral; without political attitudes, content, or bias".

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. ... Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free trade and free markets.

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